Simple, Fast, Trusted
    Peer to Peer Payments.
    Meet the perfect solution for anyone, anywhere
    Send Crypto to Friends and Family
    No need to deal with long crypto wallet address names anymore
    Once you know your friends or family’s Trustware .0x Username
    Crypto payments transfer across chain within seconds.
    Low Fees
    Yes there are Fees but Trustware aims to keep these as low as possible.
    At Trustware team our mission is to empower you to have your wealth in your control.
    Our tech is built on already established Crypto rails like Squid Router and Axelar.
    We are continuing to add new currency pairs to give you more flexibility than traditional finance.
    Invite your contacts to connect
    Each contact will have their own unique Trustware .0x Username
    Add Your Contacts
    Invite your contacts and store them in your Trustware address book allowing simple peer to peer payments.
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    Send any token cross-chain
    Send any token to your contacts with our simple user interface. Your contacts control which wallets they want to receive crypto into.
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    Unlock Awesome, One Account, Many Chains
    Use all the apps you are familiar with, using one Trustware account

    Find out more ..

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    Dive in to our documentation offering help
    guides and simple video to get you up and running.

    Investor Portal

    Reach out to learn more about our
    product and explore investment

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